Thursday, January 15, 2009


Well, maybe it's just me, but this incident cracked me up and I thought it was worth sharing! Avee and Suki were playing on Bryan's jacket when this happened...

And here is the rescue:


  1. This is a good one for that funny animals video tv show... what is it? Isn't there one just for animals? This is SO FUNNY! I'm going to send the link to everyone I know... they get videos of Stef's kids all the time.

  2. LOL lol lol lol lol. I only wish you would have had video of him getting himself into that predicament! Serves him right. I don't like cats.

  3. I was ell-oh-elling the whole time. It brought back some repressed memories of chasing our dear Suki around a hotel room with a towel. But I think this also proves how helpful it is to have pets before kids.

  4. OMG this is hillarious. I love the pitiful meows throughout. HA. Dear Suki....
